DMR Repeaters & Systems
Digital Mobile Radio Conventional & Trunking
Hytera DMR Repeaters & Systems
DMR, Digital Mobile Radio, is a digital radio standard by ETSI, European Telecommunications Standards Institute, and was first ratified in 2005. Hytera, an advocate of open standards, has been serving the global market for over a decade with a versatile and evolving DMR portfolio, including devices, infrastructure, and software. Professional users from public safety, government institutions, industries, and businesses have benefited from Hytera’s innovation in their daily work and at critical moments.
The DMR Tier III trunking communications technology has been widely adopted across the world in sectors, such as public safety, utility, oil & gas, and transportation. It is versatile enough to offer local coverage as well as large region coverage. The system is highly scalable to fulfill the requirements of users in the different phases of their growth. As per the customer’s detailed requirements, such as daily communications, integrated command & control, positioning, and dispatching, Hytera is well known for its capability and experience in maximizing the potential of the technology and presenting value-added DMR solutions with abundant productivity and security features.

XPT Extended Pseudo Trunking system
The Extended Pseudo Trunking (XPT) is an expandable DMR system based on proven repeater technology. This system is developed to replicate a distributed trunking radio system without a centralized controller. It upgrades the repeaters to manage the available frequencies across multiple slots to fully utilize the available spectrum resource. XPT is available as single or multi-site. This scalable solution enables enterprises with DMR conventional systems to have extra system capacity without extra investment in frequency leasing; it expands both system coverage and capacity, resulting in enhanced efficiency and productivity.
HR106X Ultra-thin DMR Repeater
Based on its industry experience, customer feedback, and technological evolution, Hytera introduces HR106X, the new generation of DMR repeater, which makes a great leap in functionality, performance, and configuration management. While its ultra-thin 1U design minimizes the deployment space, it maximizes the system coverage range with enhanced Rx sensitivity.

DS-6250 DMR Trunking Cube
The DS-6250 DMR Trunking Cube Base Station is designed with deployment and operation simplicity in mind. As a highly integrated base station, it starts delivering communications right after power-on. Quick, easy, and flexible to deploy, DS-6250 can be mounted indoors or outdoors, swiftly fulfilling coverage and communications availability for business and mission-critical users.